Cleveland Grays Armory Museum
Young Historians’ Night
Schedule Of Events
5:00pm - 6:30pm - Welcome Students and Guests - Main Lobby ~ Bolivar Entrance
Guided Tours of Grays Armory
Museum visit ~ student preparations
Guest Refreshments & Light Fare available in the Social Area
6:45pm - 7:00pm - Grays Call to Order,
Brief Grays members’ meeting
Welcome to honored Guests
Upon conclusion, Grays members and guests retire to the assembly area for student projects student program
7:00pm - 8:30pm - Showcase presentations:
Research Essay ~ Tesch Award
Video Documentary
Dramatic Performance
Website Presentations
Exhibit Displays
Recognition of Student Achievement
Cleveland Grays Armory Museum, 1234 Bolivar Road ~ Cleveland, Ohio 44115
R.S.V.P. by Friday April 10, 2025 ~ Please phone or email your response and confirm the number of guests in your party. Phone is 216.621.5938 or by e-mail at